Thursday, October 13, 2011

sha.. shake.. shakin 'dat ass..

everybody talked about this shit..
everybody felt the earthquake..
everybody ran outside of buildings and car-motor bike riders pulled over..

an earthquake of 6.8 on the richter scale struck off the island..
won't let you know what I was doing that time.. sorry..
otherwise someone will get fired if particular people knew about it..

here's a funny quote..
"last nite we rocked the island and now the island rocks us"

last nite..
we had quite heavy party at sky garden for our bestie b'day surprise party..

this morning..
we had quite heavy shaking on the island for our bestie b'day surprise present..

ha! kidding! not funny eh? sorry!
just to make myself calm!

so yeah.. everybody in the world..
really do appreciate for your concern to this beautiful island..
pray for all the best luck for all of us..

R-monkey with the b'day cake,

p.s :
the earthquake kept shaking for 3 times today..
it freaked me out so I headed to the beach..
and start drinking with my dear friends..

life's good ;)