Monday, December 13, 2010

how are you doing? dumb question!

“you know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death.. when their souls got to the entrance to heaven.. the guards asked two questions.. their answers determined whether they were able to enter or not.. ‘have you found joy in your life?’  'has your life brought joy to others?’”..

Mr. Freeman and Mr. Nicholson are my heroes!

the guard                   : "have you found joy in your life?"
rani hardjadinata       : "pretty sure yess.. and I called it JOYS!"
the guard                   : "has your life brought joy to others?"
rani hardjadinata      : "no clue.. ask your God!"

bayu told me..
it's time for me to enjoy what I have..
let others survive without my hands..

am I selfish?
am not that kinda person..
but I have to be selfish!
but I am not that kinda person..

edward  : "I envy people who have faith.. I just can't get my head around it"
carter    : "maybe because your head's in the way"

I feel so tired with this never ending story..
I feel so rusty with this demanding..
I feel so all in..

yesterdays conversation.. todays conversation.. tomorrows conversation..
seems like always be the same..

thomas   : "what are doing here?"
carter    : "fighting for my life.. you?"

dear universe..
give me some spaces.. need to reach my dreams..
let me jump higher and higher through the winds and clouds..


the fighter,